Friday, 24 August 2012

Identify the code for your stylesheet

do you ever wonder how in the world to style up your blog design?
of course you will need a programming langguage to learn wasnt it?

so i will tell you in a simple way on how to know what kind of method to identify your blog style from just editing your html template
(of course I am talking about the blogspot template!)

so, just go and edit your HTML template.

just scroll down and have a scan on the codes (which you get dizzy if you dont understand them).
you see, there are some sort of format to style up the template. Many blog or website or so other sjashing looking site will use the .CSS style file to style up their site.

now. if
you want to identify the style for the blogspot template.
you should find this kind of format

color: #ffffff;

this is the CSS format of styling your blog.
find this in your template and learn how to play arround with CSS.
I am sure youll make a smashing looking site yourself


Creating Wordpress Plugin

Thursday, 23 August 2012

SMARTY programming

I had been learning myself to code this SMARTY programming style. It is quite different from the basic PHP programming. in basic PHP programming we will use <?php some function here..... ?>  the PHP tag.
but in SMARTY I have to use additional tag like {$variable} to display data and to manipulate the template.

let say if i want to display this text "hello there! good day huh!". in PHP I will code it like this:

<?php echo "hello there! good day huh!"; ?>

but in SMARTY, I have to assign the values from other file to the template file.


$hellotext = "hello there! good day huh!";

$smarty->assign('myvariable', $hellotext);

after the assignment, i hade to do the template variable manipulation in the template file( .tpl) .



when the code is running it will be displayed like this:

hello there! good day huh!

The First Post

hello there! this is my first post and I am proud to be a coder!